Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Sunday Stillness

Sundays are still days. days when there's a quiet feeling, people are sleeping in late, reading the paper, having a peaceful morning. That's the way it should be. I get to the point where I avoid leaving the sanctity of my little world here on the cul de sac.
In being tired of being fat, I have started riding my bicycle in the morning. I started a week ago while in Minneapolis. I rented a bike there and rode along the Mississipi River. It was nothing short of one of those sweet moments in life. Afternoons I take my german shephard on a 3 mile hike.
PB has been doing some work on the shop. Installed a picture window in the back wall tht looks over the woods. he brought that window home over a year ago. Little by little our life comes together.

Its not easy. Nothing is easy.

But I am happy. I have alot of work to do today. As for tomorrow? Someone once told me, 'tomorrow is promised to noone.' At the time, I did not like hearing that. But today, I guess I have what satisfies my soul. The phrase no longer bothers me.

My soul is at peace. Now I have to work to keep it that way, keep that elusive balance. I can't go back to the hell days.

1 comment:

biker baby said...

I don't usually get a quiet I am lazy.
As for being tired of being fat...I had an over active thyroid. Always skinny...till it burned out. Now I have trouble keeping my weight down. I got tired of getting larger by the day and I have finally lost 18 pounds. I don't expect to be a three again, but I really don't want to be either. At 5'8"...that's too thin. My goal is a size 6 or 8.