Friday, August 13, 2010

The Black Stallion

Lots has happened since I wrote last. I spent two luxurious weekends at the lake cabin. Did a bunch of rowing. Seeing life on the lake. The fancy houses. What it must be like to live in them. So many of them empty most of the time. But even tho our cabin is more of a shack, its so hard to leave after a weekend. PB feels the same. WE`want to live there. Thats the plan.

My former friend Martha is completely out of control. Hurting her family in selfish ways that are beyond cruel. Cruel, narcissistic, nihilistic.

Sitting here watching the Black Stallion. I went to the movies in 1979 to see it. It was one of my favorite books from childhood. And the movie lived up to the book. Incredibly beautiful. The book takes place about 1940. 40 years before the movie was made. Hard to believe the movie was made 31 years ago. I was 19 yrs old. At the time I had no idea how young I was.


biker baby said...

You never know how young or how good you looked till you get older and gain weight. In the last 3 years, I have gained 50 lbs. I honestly never knew what a hot bod I HAD till I gained weight and looked back at yester-year. It has taken me 4 months to drop 12 lbs. 38 to go.

IHG said...

Isn't it curious looking back on your youth and thinking...why did I do those things or wish I could have that moment back for a sec so I could change that just a little. I believe I'm a better person now but sometimes those memories of youth and how crazy I was make me smile.

Keith - Circle Blue said...

"I was 19 yrs old. At the time I had no idea how young I was." I love this line. I certainly had no idea how young I was at 19.

The stuff about your friend is sad. But even so, the feel of this post is sweet and gentle.

Thank you.